Welcoming September! #MonthlyAdvise

by - September 01, 2017

Goodbye Mr. August! Here comes Miss September!

I gonna make a welcoming month entry, and give myself a pat at the back
to keep improve my life.

It's hard to calm myself down. Seriously.

1. Setiap orang ada cerita berbeza yang telah Dia tentukan dan kita harus percaya kalau kita tetap sabar dan berdoa, Dia akan tunjukkan jalan.

2. Happiness needs time. You have to deal with uncountable heartache to be able to be happy. So be patient.

3. Clear your mind. Strengthen your heart. Try to understand. Live your life.

4. Kadang-kadang mimpi yang kita kejar dan takdir yang menanti kita tak berada dalam satu garis yang sama. Itulah lumrah hidup. Redha.

5. Sama ada kita ada seseorang di sisi atau tidak, pada akhirnya, kita sendiri yang tetap perlu menjaga hati sendiri.

6. It's hurt to hope, but it's more hurt if you don't let it go.

7. In the end, do not regret about choices we make. Have the courage to accept what fate gives us, and keep on living.

8. Apa yang patut kita elakkan di masa hadapan, apa yang kita patut pilih buat masa ini, apa yang patut kita lepaskan, semua itu kita belajar dari kekecewaan.

9. Everything is going to change, whether we want it to or not. Sediakan ruang dalam hati untuk sesuatu yang tak terjangka.

10. Kita sering terlalai dan kecewa kerana mengejar hubungan sesama manusia yang belum pasti, hingga kita terlupa untuk menjaga hubungan dengan Tuhan yang sudah pasti menjanjikan kegembiraan.

11. Yang mendekatkan cinta antara dua jiwa adalah Tuhan, bukan jarak. Kita tak pernah tahu siapa, bila, dan di mana kita akan jatuh cinta. Jadi jangan difikirkan sangat. Jalani hidup apa adanya.

12. People shouldn't root around in their past because some things are best left forgotten.

13. Take a step. No matter how hard or how slow, take a step. If you don't, you'll never grow, you'll never change and you'll never be better.

14. Leave what is need to be leave. Say goodbye to yesterday. Give everything for today and tomorrow.

15. It's okay if we can't change anything. We can't. We can't go backward either. And it's okay.

16. Everything is changing. So we too, must change. Must adapt. Create a new version of ourselves. No time for looking back. Make improvement.

17. Changing is sometimes can be a painful process. But if you don't want to change, you'll be moving backwards instead of forwards.

18. No more regretting. We have to accept that we have done everything we can. Then we let go. We let go and move into acceptance.

19. Letting go is hurt. Sure you're gonna cry. But you'll move on and you'll learn from it and you'll never make the same mistake again.

20. Life goes on. The past doesn't matter. Carry on.

21. Masa terlalu pendek untuk kita asyik mempersoalkan aturan Tuhan.

22. Baik, buruk, pahit, manis, tak ada ketentuan yang sia-sia. Kita perlu syukur dan redha, mengambil pengajaran, lalu terus melangkah.

23. Kita mungkin mencintai orang yg salah & terluka kerana itu but sometimes, the wrong choices bring us to the right place.

24. Sometimes the things you love break you. And sometimes, you break the things you love.

25. Life goes on,even if it's not go the way we want it to. But Allah is always with us, so, pray for the best, and let it flow.

26. Continue on living even if you couldn't erase yesterday's event.

27. We pray. We wait. We do something. and be patient. InshaAllah we will understand soon enough. When we accept what Allah gives us, inshaAllah our hearts will heal.

Dear myself, I hope you do be happy.
Please cheer up and rise!

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