Alhamdulillah. Lepas melalui hari yang penuh dengan hujan guruh kilat petir, finally, i did it! The most troublesome thing that always running around in my head during this whole semester.
Finally, 9/10/2014 i done my presentation final year project, defence proposal for the approvement next sem thesis. Tahap berdebar dia tak yah cakap lah. Alhamdulillah, it went smoothly. Thank Allah. Even, yelah takde lah perfect sangat pon. Still ade a few things nak kena betulkan.
Thank yuuu very2 much buat housemate, classmates, my advisor, Pak Shaikh dan kawan2 for helping and guiding me until this stage. Moga Allah balas jasa dan budi baik kalian.
Adoyai susah pulak nak arrange pic pakai phone ni. The presentation was start on 2pm until 12am. 12AM!! Tak daye betul. Lemau dah rase time tu. Dah lah break petang tu sekejap je. Nak mandi pon tak sompat. Sempat jamah makanan sikit je sebab nebes, my turn was at the night. Before presentation tu xrase lagi lapar,tapi lepas je habis baru lah rase i need brain i need brainnnn *imagine of zombie style please*
Congratulation for all! U did it! We did it! The feeling that only for those who went through this will understand :)
Say Good Words :)